Friday, December 27, 2013

Like a good bra we all need to support someone!

All of the Christmas chaos is over, now on to my next project...having a newborn.
It has been over five years since I've had an infant of my very own in my arms. It is starting to become a little more real that I am going to have a baby in about two months! I am starting to wonder if it's going to be like riding a bike. Will it all come back to me? Will I remember how to feed, clothe, and bathe a wee little baby? Will I have everything ready in time for her arrival? Will I have enough of everything?  I have been wrestling with all of these questions and the answer I keep feeling is a resounding NO. Now I am not trying to feel defeated or anything, I am just realizing that I am not going to be fully ready, there is no way to fully prepare for what we are about to face.

I think more than anything I am ready to meet this little girl, learn everything about her just as we have these past five years with her older sister. I feel that you never, ever fully stop learning. I think this is especially true with parenting. Just when you think you have it figured out, BAM you are in another stage that is just as trying or even more so than the last. I think it is integral to have a support system in place. Lets just face it, we all need help! And if you say you don't you are either lying or too proud to admit it. (Sorry if that was a bit strong, it's the truth though)

Women, we all need to step up and tie ourselves to other women. I have said it before and I'll say it again, we need to be less critical of other moms and step in and lend a hand when it's needed, or be someone's shoulder to cry on. You never know when you are going to need that same support back.

I am so tired of hearing ladies talking about others when I am at the grocery, or anywhere for that matter. We need to lift each other up. Can you imagine how strong we women could be if we all just stopped the drama?  When did it become acceptable to talk about others in such a mean way? Or to treat other women in such a way to make them feel insignificant. Now I am not saying we need to tie ourselves to people that bring us down to lift them up, because inevitably the opposite will happen.  I am saying we need to show a little grace to the mom with the screaming kid at the checkout, or the customer service lady who frustrates you.  Give a little and maybe you will get something back, a nice sweet feeling that you did something good for someone who might be having it a little more rough than you!

So I am going to ask all of you who read this to be especially outgoing to a friend who has maybe slipped through the cracks of your life this year. Find her on Facebook and message her, call her, text her, email her, hey even snail mail baby! Encourage her! We all need that.

I wanna hear what you do. Please come back and comment, or comment on Facebook. I look forward to hearing all of the stories! It's ok to brag a little!

Until then,

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