Sunday, January 6, 2013

I didn't lose my marbles, I gave them freely!

  So I am sitting at the dinning room table.  Thinking about everything...
 As a mom you have to think about everything.  It is sometimes overwhelming.  Then a thought came into my head, a good friend once told David and me that a man's thought process was like a tackle box.  One compartment at a time.  A woman's thought process was like a bowl of marbles constantly moving and every other marble touching everything else.  So I sit here all of my marbles touching and rolling over one another.  I would add that there are big shooter marbles sometimes too that take up more space and room.
  I think about Gracie's Kindergarten curriculum, plink, big marble.  I think about our family, plink another marble.  Bills, another.  Cleaning the house, another.  There are so many more that we as women think about and they all touch one another.  All equally important.  I think sometimes we believe that all of the marbles need our attention all at once.  I believe God is calling me to let him hold all of my marbles.  It is easy to say, another to give them up.  God wants all of me, the tiniest parts. I want to be like a child with my marbles.  I want to hold them, be possessive.  But His ways are so much better!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:8-9

  He can hold my thought better than I can So I am giving them up!  It is a work in progress.