Thursday, January 9, 2014

The vices of a procrastinator!

I really like to read.  I read Facebook posts all day long, I read other blogs, I read recipes, I read to my daughter.
 However, it's because of my daughter that I have not finished one single book since she came into our lives over five years ago. Other than the books I read to her. Any book that I have picked up in these last 1825 or so days (yes, I used my calculator!) I haven't finished. Oh, I have every intention of finishing. I have purchased quite a few books and never actually completed them. Until last Tuesday.  I began reading a book called Start by Jon Acuff. I actually finished it.  Maybe it was the irony of the title, although I don't think so. Maybe it did spur me on a little...but it got me thinking, how many books could I finish before my little baby is born in eight weeks. There are so many that I start with good intention and lose interest, don't "have time to finish", or just simply get too lazy to read.  My hubby says this is a resolution but I look at it more lake a challenge.  I have a list compiled of four books that I either have not started or started but haven't finished to work on. I figure that gives me roughly 2 weeks to finish each book. Some of these I literally have just a few chapters and some I have a whole book to read.  None are too big though.

 I am attempting to finish:
Well there you have it one goal of many in these next eight weeks.  I have lots of nursery things and cutesy projects to finish too. I'm starting to think that I should have started this list a whole lot earlier. Oh the vices of a procrastinator!  

I would love to know what your goals (not resolutions) are for the coming year!  Please leave a comment below or on Facebook! 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Until then,

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