Monday, January 27, 2014

The Big Five-OH!

Wow, this is my 50th post on this blog!  It seems as though I should have more but then again I started out pretty sporadic.
I really feel like I am starting to get into a groove with it but sometimes (as of late) I'm like, "Oh it's Monday! I need to put up a post!" I usually get the post done in advance and get antsy while waiting to post it! I think most of that is due to the fact that I am in my eighth month of pregnancy! Why? Because waiting on seeing this little girl is making me antsy about everything!

 Yeah, eight months! Baby girl will be here in about 6 weeks or so. I am so excited and really not prepared. My body is really gearing up, though. Braxton Hicks contractions, feeling wobbly legged all the time, not being able to sleep for more than two hours at a time... the list goes on and on. What I am still working on is nursery stuff. I have to rearrange our bedroom and set everything up.  Eiley will be sleeping in a bassinet for quite some time as I will be nursing as much as I can. I really didn't get that luxury with Gracie. I mean, I did nurse her until she was 9 months old but not exclusively. With Eiley I get to feed on demand and I cannot tell you how excited I am about that. I think I was almost more excited about being able to nurse on demand more than the pregnancy itself. (I said almost!)

My favorite part so far, and I think will always be the case for both of my pregnancies is feeling my babies move in my belly. It is such a reassuring feeling and not to mention interesting to say the least. It is so amazing the difference between these two girls! Gracie slept all day and moved maybe a few hours at night when I was trying to get to sleep. While Eiley moves when I'm hungry, after I eat, when I lay down, when I drink water, in other words ALL THE TIME! I can't wait to see the similarities and differences between my sweet girls.

I often find myself thinking about what Eiley will look like. Will she look like Gracie? Will she have hair and eyelashes like her big sis? Will she also have blue eyes that everyone will question? I am anxiously awaiting her birth. I really can't wait.

I want to see if I can go full term and naturally with her. I was induced with Gracie and I tried to be as natural with her but I was a week early, had Pitocin, an episiotomy, and they shot her full of vaccines, vitamin K, and she had the eye goop. I want to change that with this birth! I have educated myself on all of these choices and I will say that I have had more done this pregnancy, like ultrasounds every 4 weeks to check her growth. I had 2 with Gracie.
I have had a 24-hour urine test twice. Never had to do that with Gracie. But I think having to do these ruled out pre-eclampsia. It just looks like I have hyper-tension, which I am believing God is healing me through my diet. (Protein, protein, protein! And when I think I have had enough: more protein!)

I feel so much more healthy with this pregnancy. I have purposely eaten better, which includes more fresh foods. I am also really trying to not give into unhealthy cravings, but darn it, cheese fries have been calling my name! I have given in more times than I want to say. (Confession: I just had a really bad bout with some oatmeal raisin cookies that I'm not very proud of.) For the most part, though, this is the healthiest I have felt in years! It really feels good to give that gift to this little precious girl in my belly!

Finally, since this is the 50th post, I want to see some suggestions on ways to help me direct the next 50 posts! Seriously, if you have a question you want me to tackle on mommy-hood, frugality, relationships, or anything of the sort PLEASE comment or ask!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Until then,

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