Sunday, November 20, 2011


So today is my lil lovely's birthday!  She is, as the title says...Three!  She was so excited this morning
that she couldn't wait for "Mr. Sun" to wake her up. She woke me at 5:45!  What a busy day!  I learned a whole lot though.
  Like, for example, let the hubby sleep who worked midnights last night.  He was up over 36 hours total and didn't complain once.  (thanks for everything David!)  Also learned for next year to take things slower, take more pics, put the cupcakes up that you don't want the over eager toddlers reaching and eating before dinner, and I think most importantly... take time to love on your baby!  She is 3 already!  I know that every one tells me that it goes fast,  I never expected it to go this fast! Life is a vapor.  I want to thank my Lord for every single moment!  I don't want to miss the little things that add up to big ones.  I pray a blessing of patience, attentiveness, and obedience over Gracie for this next year as well as health and happiness. I pray for David and me to be better parents than we were last year.  We thank God for our blessing in Gracie.  She is an amazing little girl and I pray that God will help us teach her His ways of compassion for others, a love for Him, and obedience for us.  So here's to a great third year for Gracie.  Cheers, as she would say!

  Oh! by the way... How awesome is my header?  My wonderful, creative hubby made that for me.  If anyone is in need of design work he is interested in expanding his business.  He does websites, logos, watermarks, and lots of other cool things that my mind can't think of right now. If you are interested you can contact him at his website.

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