Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Table of Contents

  In my quest to work outside of the home, manage my home, take care of the needs of my family, and drop into bed each night at an ungodly hour, I have decided to take on a new project. Smart right? Right!  It began as a quiet-time bag for G Bird.  Then last night it turned into our dinning room table, so I give you "Table of Contents."

Here are the activities for the day.  Labeled with directions for easy Daddy use.

Here is the breakdown of what is on the table

A good breakfast is the perfect start to any day.  I like to give Bird options so she can choose but ultimately I would be happy with either choice.

There are a lot of clothes in this little box, great for little fingers learning dexterity!

We are learning all of the states.  Bird has been working on them for less than a week and she knows eighteen already! And if I ask her to point to others she can.  Can you tell I am proud?

This is G's first chapter book, she likes to listen and also likes the option to stop.  Great stories, these were from the Hub's childhood.

Gracie loves bubbles, these tiny bottles are easy for her tiny hands to hold

Adding Spiritual knowledge.
Number flash cards.
She loves her new doll house!
Here is Gracie's new doll house.  It is almost as tall as me!  This was a gift from Gracie's Grandparents.

Snack time.  This is a good time to practice doing things alone with supervision.
Another Snack.

I thought this would increase dexterity also.

Magnadoodle with a sweet message.   I also gave her a list of things to draw.  Cat,dog, lizard, bird, etc...
These are the best.  They are called a PlayAway.  We get them at the library.  They are a book on MP3.  You just attach your own headphones.  Awesome!

Ok, so in my opinion a little down time for Mommy and Daddy is not a bad idea.  It  gives back precious sanity!  But we are trying to cut down on the amount she watches, so she has TV tickets.  She redeems them by sticking the Post-it to the fridge.  Once they are gone, no more TV.  She can save them up also.
I will attempt to post all of the days that I have planned.  There are 5 days planned and I have enough for maybe one more day.  Of course this is just for one child and she is pretty independent.  It also is flexible enough so if you wanted to do other things in the course of the day or if you don't do everything on the table it's ok. 
  More to come later.  Until then,
P.S. Let me know what you think.

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