Wednesday, February 29, 2012


  The past few days have been the worst of my life.  I know that everyone is wondering what is going on with all the posts on facebook and such but I could not bring myself to write until now.
  After posting our wonderful news on Friday and all of the congratulatory comments you all so graciously left for us our joy came to a halt on Sunday evening when I went to the bathroom and noticed a good deal of blood.  We went to the ER on Monday morning and after 5 excruciating hours the doctor confirmed our deepest fear that I had indeed miscarried our second child. 
  I will say though, that I have never felt the peace of God as strong as I do even as I am typing this message to all of you.  Even though at times I feel like I am a HUGE mess, God is carrying us.
  I know many of you have tried to contact my mom, I told her not to answer, I feel that the answers needed to come from me, and as I said above I could not do that until now.  I am sorry but so appreciative of all of your prayers and concern.  I truly feel blessed to know so many people who care so deeply about me.
  David and I decided that we needed to name the baby,  as I was only about 5 weeks along we could not possibly know the sex of our child.  We really wanted a little boy so we named our baby "Ian", it means "Gift from God".  In our mourning we want to feel joy again.  We believe that "Ian" was a gift, even if only for a moment.  God gave him to us to love for a moment.  Something beautiful WILL rise from these ashes!
  We still would appreciate all of your prayers.
" You've kept track of my every toss and turn
      through the sleepless nights,
   Each tear entered in your ledger,
      each ache written in your book."    Psalm 56:8   The Message

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