Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Today was a busy day.  It started off early, with my usual massages.  Then grocery shopping.  I decided to take Gracie with me to the grocery store and we also had to go to Target for her pull-ups.  I was kind of expecting at least one melt down or "accident" while we were out.  Not one!
  So happy with how things turn out!  What is that saying... "Even a blind squirrel get a nut once in a while..."  Well, I felt that way today.   I decided at the end of our trip to reward her behavior with a ride on "Sandy" the Meijer horse.  I was standing there waiting to put Gracie on the horse and a perfect stranger came up and complimented me on my earrings.  The amazing thing was, I was wondering to myself in the car if the earrings were too much.   I decided to wear them. (sometimes I feel so shallow!)  But that moment, from a total stranger, I felt so encouraged.  Shouldn't we as Christians be so much more encouraging?  Now I'm not saying that that woman wasn't a Christian.  Just saying that she took the time to bless me!  So this is my OTG (One Thousand Gifts) #13...A compliment from a total stranger.
  I think that we as women need to do this more often!  We are always quick to judge another woman, but how many times do we compliment each other or encourage each other?  I am going to challenge all of you reading this as well as myself.  The challenge?  To compliment, uplift, encourage, and lighten another woman's load at least once a week for the whole year.  Please leave me comments on how you are taking this challenge.  There is one marked off your list because that uplifts and encourages me!  I will be looking for ways to encourage you!

 Just a few verses that I am feeling are pertinent to this post...

  "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."  Proverbs 31:17

  "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."  Proverbs 31:27

  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
   Proverbs 31:30

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